EHG Stahlzentrum

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact EHG Stahlzentrum

Address :

Wallenmahd 54, 6850 Dornbirn, Austria

Phone : 📞 +79
Website :
Categories :
City : Dornbirn

Wallenmahd 54, 6850 Dornbirn, Austria
Jonas Gete on Google

Katastrofa. Kosmaras o ne kompanija. Laukti pakrovimo keleta valandu. Darbuotojei dyrbti neskuba.
Disaster. A cosmophone, not a company. Wait for loading for a few hours. The employee is in no hurry to work.
Mihai Dragos Teodor on Google

Descarcarile se fac doar noaptea între orele 22 și 03. Nu au parcare, trebuie să mergi la 8 km pe autostrada si sa revii noaptea.
Downloads take place only between 22 o'clock and 03 o'clock. They do not have parking, you have to go to 8 km on the highway and get back at night.
Олександр Шустваль on Google

Нетиповий для Австрії бардак. Розвантаження після 22:00. Дозволяють заїхати на територію для вивантаження не раніше 21:00. На території фірми парковка заборонена. Плануйте час колеги.
An atypical mess for Austria. Unloading after 22:00. Allow to enter the territory for unloading not earlier than 21:00. Parking is prohibited on the territory of the company. Schedule a colleague's time.
Артем Игнатенко on Google

Выгрузка запускают с 21.00 . Ближайший паркинг 8 км 47.436861,9.722484( координаты паркинга)
Unloading starts from 21.00. Nearest parking lot 8 km 47.436861,9.722484(parking coordinates)
Kft Archer-Trans on Google

Az irodában kedves emberek, igazolvány szükséges. A raktárban minősíthetetlen hozzáállás, és hangnem! Rakodás csak felülről, daruval. ? A várakozáshoz bőven van hely.
Dear people in the office, ID required. In the warehouse is an unqualified attitude and tone! Loading only from above with a crane. ? There is plenty of room to wait.
Dzianis Mikhailau on Google

Для тех кто первый раз как я. Красным указателей отмечен въезд. Потом сразу направо и дальше едем по указателям. Указатели на разных языках в том числе и на русском. Дальше все просто идёте в офис, там вам говорят что разгрузят в 22 часа, едете на паркинг на автобане в 7ми км. И ждёте там))
For those who are like me for the first time. The entrance is marked with red signs. Then we go straight to the right and follow the signs. Pointers in different languages, including Russian. Then you just go to the office, they tell you that they will unload at 22 o'clock, go to the parking lot on the autobahn 7 km away. And wait there))
Тодор Владов on Google

Разтоварва се вечер след 22.00часа.На мен ми отне около два часа.Много Добро отношение спрямо водача на камион.След разтоварване трябва да напуснеш обекта имайте в предвид работен ден.
It is unloaded in the evening after 22.00. It took me about two hours. Very good attitude towards the truck driver. After unloading you have to leave the site, keep in mind the working day.
Jakob Ott on Google


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