Dr. Rongjian Sa - Lassallestraße 36

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Dr. Rongjian Sa

Address :

Lassallestraße 36, 1020 Wien, Austria

Phone : 📞 +78
Postal code : 1020
Website : http://akupunktur-therapie.com/
Categories :
City : Wien

Lassallestraße 36, 1020 Wien, Austria
Johnny Mcmoney on Google

Seit dem Jahre 2003 bin ich Patientin bei Dr. Sa. Kleinere und größere Beschwerden haben mich veranlasst, immer wieder seine Hilfe in Anspruch zu nehmen. Tinnitus, Helicobacter, Gelenkbeschwerden usw. wurden in dieser Zeit – mit etwas Geduld- stark verbessert bzw. ganz geheilt. Durch seine fachliche Kompetenz und souveräne, freundliche Art habe ich volles Vertrauen zu ihm gewonnen und so kann ich Dr. Sa mit allerbestem Gewissen weiterempfehlen.
Since 2003 I have been a patient of Dr. Sa. Minor and major complaints have made me ask for his help again and again. Tinnitus, Helicobacter, joint problems etc. were greatly improved or completely improved during this time - with a little patience cured. Thanks to his professional competence and confident, friendly manner, I have complete confidence won over to him and so I can meet Dr. Recommend Sa with the best of conscience.
Rosemarie Hanzer on Google

Ich war vor vielen Jahren nach einem Verkehrsunfall mit Wirbelbrüchen das erste Mal bei Herrn Dr. Sa. Durch seine Behandlung sind keinerlei Beeinträchtigungen oder Beschwerden übrig geblieben...bis heute. Seither wende ich mich immer dann an ihn, wenn die Schulmedizin an ihre Grenzen stösst. Allerdings: Geduld ist erforderlich, aber bisher hat mir Herr Dr. Sa immer geholfen.
Many years ago, after a traffic accident with fractured vertebrae, I saw Dr. Sa. His treatment left no impairments or complaints ... until today. Since then, I have always turned to him when conventional medicine reaches its limits. However: patience is required, but so far Dr. Sa always helped.
J Zhiyi on Google

Ich habe jahrelang an einer schmerzhaften Gürtelrose gelitten. Trotz zahlreicher Besuche bei Fachärzten, wie Neurologen und der Einnahme von unzähligen Tabletten, konnte ich keine Besserung meines Zustandes verzeichnen. Durch eine Empfehlung eines Bekannten kam ich zu Dr. Sa. Dieser nahm mich als Patient auf und es gelang tatsächlich, in einem Zeitraum von 3 Wochen mich von den unerträglichen Schmerzen zu befreien. Ich kann Dr. Sa nur weiterempfehlen, er ist kompetent und freundlich.
I suffered from painful shingles for years. Despite numerous visits to specialists such as neurologists and taking countless pills, I could not see any improvement in my condition. Through a recommendation from a friend, I came to Dr. Sa. He took me in as a patient and actually managed to get rid of the unbearable pain within a period of 3 weeks. I can Dr. I only recommend Sa, he is competent and friendly.
Natascha Dytrych on Google

8 Monate lang quälten mich wegen lumbaler Bandscheibenvorfälle starke Schmerzen. Ich suchte mehrere Orthopäden auf, die mich mit Infusionen, Infiltrationen und Physiotherapie behandelten, die aber alle leider keine Linderung erbrachten. Schließlich empfahlen mir die Ärzte, eine Operation durchführen zu lassen. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt empfahl mir aber auch ein Bekannter Dr. Rongjian Sa, einen Arzt- Spezialist der Akupunktur. So beschloss ich Dr. Sa umgehend aufzusuchen. Die von ihm vorgenommene Behandlungszeit hat 5 Wochen gedauert, da meine Wirbeln 4 und 5 sowie S1 gebrochen sind. Die Behandlung war etwas schmerzhaft, aber sie hatte ein positives Ergebnis. Zusätzlich hat mich Dr. Sa über wirkungsvolle Gewichtsabnahme und die Verwendung der richtigen Matratze aufgeklärt. Jetzt habe ich wieder ein schmerzfreies Leben  -  vielen Dank Dr. Sa!!!!
For 8 months I was tormented by severe pain due to a lumbar disc herniation. I went to several orthopedic surgeons who treated me with infusions, infiltrations and physiotherapy, but unfortunately none of them brought any relief. Finally, the doctors recommended that I have an operation. At this time, however, a friend I knew recommended Dr. Rongjian Sa, a doctor-specialist in acupuncture. So I decided to Dr. Visit Sa immediately. The treatment time he undertook lasted 5 weeks because my vertebrae 4 and 5 as well as S1 were broken. The treatment was a little painful, but it had a positive result. In addition, Dr. Sa educated about effective weight loss and using the right mattress. Now I have a pain-free life again - thank you very much, Dr. Sa !!!!
Robert Eberl on Google

I was a longtime patient and came with severe pain and medical issues. During the entire time, Dr. Sa was always responsive and willing to help and mostly important for me, he made me feel comfortable. Even I was very skeptical at my first appointment with Dr. Sa because I did not know much about TCM and was uncomfortable about acupuncture and the treatment with needles, Dr Sa made me feel that I was in safe hands. I am very pleased with my experience and results. Dr. Sa is extremely knowledgeable and dedicated. Besides the treatment, I had to pay a lot of attention to my diet and learn to appreciate certain foods while avoiding others. Even with some fallbacks the doctor encouraged me to keep going and it has paid off over time and the body started to react and adjust and find it’s natural balance back. I feel so much better now and have developed a more conscious and healthy lifestyle. My health is very clearly improved, my energy is better, and I experience no more pain and can be much more active than before. If you have never been to Dr. Sa. Everything in the doctors office is very clean and well taken care of. He also uses separated treatment rooms to give you most privacy. I made all my doctors appointments directly with Dr. Sa and experienced no waiting time. Just one thing to remember, since he is a one doctor practice he seems to be able to manage his time very well so just make sure to be on time. I recommend to make some notes before you go to the first visit and bring all your medical records and history. He is very dedicated to help and you can ask him questions that you may have regarding therapy, diet and the pain that you experience. I have referred several other people with different medical conditions to Dr. Sa that are all very happy. It now feels to me like dealing with trusted family. Dr. Sa is truly skilled doctor and expert in TCM with a masterful touch. Overall a great experience and I am very satisfied with Dr. Sa. The entire experience was smooth and professional. He has been extremely helpful in healing my body and finding my way of healthy living.
Tina Pichler on Google

Maybe the best doctor in TCM I’ve known. Every time when I have back pain he will be my big hero. I’ve tried at less 10 ”competent” docs in Vienna, but they took little time for me and then just let me take this Medicine and that Medicine which made me felt even worse after. Fortunately, I found Dr. Sa, and since 2015 If I have any pain I went to him. His treatment let me survive from long time sitting and I do sit every day because of my job. He always gives me advice on how I can keep myself healthier and how to combine it with good food nutrition. He is the doc who talks less but he always gets directly into the point without wasting my time. When I was urgent with my schedule he did always extended his working hours for letting me get treated immediately. So many moving moments what he had done for my health. There is always a big appreciation for him. He is absolute the best Doctor in TCM for me. Best regards, Tina
Pierre Skorov on Google

Dr SA was recommended to me by a friend and turned out to be an extremely experienced and professional doctor, the third generation of a family of medical practitioners. I went to see him because of chronic lower back pain that no amount of physiotherapy/massage/sport/fitness etc had been able to cure. I did not want to take hormone drugs or to undergo infiltrations or any form of surgery. Dr SA was able to rid me of the pain in about three months of regular treatment (massage, needles, as well as food and sport advice). In a medical environment where increasingly more doctors treat only symptoms, Dr SA provides a refreshing exception: he looks at the whole picture and focuses on the patient, not on the disease. I am grateful for his help and am happy to recommend him to anyone.
Markus Staas on Google

Spent 4+ months and more than 7000EUR with Dr. Sa. his approach didn't help much. When I informed that I found a therapy that helped, instead of wishing me luck, he insulted me on the phone and told me that my condition would get worse and that I was wrong, etc. I felt really disappointed by such unprofessional behaviour and disrespect after all this time.

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